Selecionamos as questões mais relevantes da prova de vestibular Acafe 2017/1. Confira! * Obs.: a ordem e número das questões aqui não são iguais às da prova original.
Señala las correctas (V) e incorrectas (F) y márcalo a continuación.
Opción cuyos vocablos, todos, pertenecen al mismo campo semántico, o sea, tienen un significado análogo.
( ) Juez – juicio – jurado. ( ) Absolver – absolvido – absoluto. ( ) Traer – traído – traicionar. ( ) Mentiroso – mendaz – mentir. ( ) Tortura – tortuoso – torturar.
La secuencia correcta es:
V - F - V - F - V
V - F - F - V - F
F - V - V - F - V
F - F - V - F - V
Which title best expresses the main idea of the text?
Brazil: Latin America’s largest emitter of greenhouse gases.
Brazil ratifies Paris agreement with pledge to sharply reduce emissions.
The Brazilian efforts to reduce deforestation in the Amazon
Brazil ratifies Paris agreement with a pledge not to reduce emissions.
Think tanks are organizations spread all around the world, and World Resources Institute (WRI), mentioned in the text (last paragraph), is one of them. Based on the context, mark the alternative which makes part of the definition of think tank?
I Organizations that research in the area of environment a nd human well-being. II Organizations that analyse problems and plan future developments also involving social policies. III Organizations that research and turn ideas into action by creating human sustainable opportunities. IV Organizations that research analyse and plan actions exclusively at the climate changes area.
I - II
I - II - III
only IV is correct.
Which of the idioms below is a possible synonym for "follow suit" in the first paragraph of the text?
Jump on the bandwagon
Keep something at bay.
Cross the bridge when you come to it.
Sit on the fence
The Paris agreement will enter into force once 55 countries representing at least 55% of global emissions have formally joined it. What does the conjunction in bold mean?
From the moment when....
at once
once and for all
one single time
Why has the author used the modal "must" in the sentence: " The targets are not legally binding, but nations must update them every five years"?
Because the author meant to convey the idea of what is right or correct to do.
Because the author meant to convey the idea of a future possibility of nations update their set targets every five years.
Because the author meant to convey the idea of an obligation of nations update their set targets every five years.
Because the author meant to say that the update of nation's set targets every five years is a recommendation.
From the words in bold below, which is not an adjective in the text:
Polluting gases (2nd paragraph)
Legally binding (6th paragraph)
Significant emissions (7th paragraph)
Renewable sources (7th paragraph)
Uma biblioteca possui 300 livros, todos do mesmo tamanho. Um funcionário pretende dividi-los igualmente entre as prateleiras da loja. Sabendo que, se os livros forem igualmente divididos entre 3 prateleiras a menos, cada prateleira receberá 5 livros a mais do que o previsto inicialmente. Assim, o número de prateleiras para colocar todos os livros é:
Múltiplo de 4.
Múltiplo de 3.
Entre 10 e 12.
Maior que 20.
Utilizando-se exatamente 1.200 metros de arame, deseja-se cercar um terreno retangular de modo que a parte do fundo não seja cercada, pois ele faz divisa com um rio, e que a cerca tenha 4 fios paralelos de arame.
Nessas condições, para cercar a maior área possível do terreno com o arame disponível, os valores de x e y (em metros), respectivamente, são:
100 e 100.
50 e 200.
125 e 50.
75 e 150.
Uma prova consta de 7 questões de múltipla escolha, com 4 alternativas cada uma, e apenas uma correta. Se um aluno escolher como correta uma alternativa ao acaso em cada questão, a probabilidade de que ele acerte ao menos uma questão da prova é de, aproximadamente: