Selecionamos as questões mais relevantes da prova de vestibular UDESC 2018/2. Confira! * Obs.: a ordem e número das questões aqui não são iguais às da prova original.
According to the meaning of the text, the underlined words are consecutively:
comparative, relative pronoun, possessive pronoun and adjective.
comparative, reflexive pronoun, possessive adjective and adverb.
superlative, objective pronoun, possessive adjective and adverb.
adjective, reflexive pronoun, possessive adjective and adjective.
superlative, relative pronoun, possessive pronoun and adjective.
We can get some information through this list, they are:
The person is willing to make some changes, possess new things, purchases U.S. goods and be more active.
The person aims to buy animals, live on a farm, move to France and be an activist.
The person focuses on a natural life with a healthy way of living but cozy, and start an exchange course.
The person loves animals and witchcraft, is a sports person, a writer and a traveler.
The person is addicted to online blogs, loves being isolated, and is not happy with her house but everything else.
Mark the correct alternative which can be answered by the text.
Where can the person find herself being aware of others, in a long term of life?
Is the person longing for new ways of life and interaction?
What can be purchased in US?
Can the person breed animals without rising her own carbon footprint?
What goods does she plan to find on the roads?
Mark the correct alternative which contains synonyms linked to the meaning in the text.
craft shows – witchcrafts; comfortable – cozy
schedule – time table; keep to it – purchase
bathing suit – tuxedo; community – group
finds – goods; Come up with – invent
healthy – natural; Attend - help
Check if the sentence is true or false, according text.
( ) the person wishes a huge amount of things but being surrounded by animals.
( ) all the things she wants are things which she can manage soon.
( ) learning another language and start a new way of live is among the things she wishes.
( ) wear flat shoes, be more active, have a farm and run on marathons, are among the things she wants.
( ) the person says she wishes to be more organized, more participative in her community and take a trip along U.S.
The correct sequence, from top to bottom, is:
F – T – F – T – T
T – T – F – F – T
F – F – T – T – T
T – F – T – F – T
F – F – T – F – T
Somente as afirmativas I, IV e V são verdadeiras.
Somente as afirmativas II, III e V são verdadeiras.
Somente as afirmativas I, II e IV são verdadeiras.
Somente as afirmativas I, III e IV são verdadeiras.
Todas as afirmativas são verdadeiras.
F – F – F – V – F
V – V – V – F – V
V – V – F – V – V
V – F – V – F – F
F – F – V – F – V
Somente as afirmativas III e IV são verdadeiras.
No período “Ah, toca a valsa, minha filha, pelo amor de Deus” (linha 3), quanto à morfologia, as palavras destacadas são interjeição, artigo definido, substantivo comum, pronome possessivo e locução adjetiva, sequencialmente.
Da leitura da estrutura “Que fizeste de mim, do meu rosto e dos meus 15 anos” (linha 7), infere-se que a protagonista dá sinais de perda da memória, envolvendo suas relações afetivas, ao mesmo tempo em que se questiona, por não ter clareza das próprias lembranças.
A repetição dos verbos “Esperem, esperem” (linha 18) representa um momento de lucidez de Sônia ao descobrir-se noiva de Paulo.
No período “Se eu pudesse enterrar as unhas na carne macia do teu pescoço” (linha 9), quanto à figura de linguagem, tem-se catacrese.
V – V – V – F – F
V – V – F – V – F
F – F – V – F – F