Questões da prova URCA 2015/2

Selecionamos as questões mais relevantes da prova de vestibular URCA 2015/2. Confira!
* Obs.: a ordem e número das questões aqui não são iguais às da prova original.

Questão 121:

According to the text, it is correct to affirm that:


Questão 122:

Why can the government of Pakistan not protect the Christians?

Questão 123:

According to the text, what happens in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in South Sudan?

Questão 124:

The opening paragraph tells us about the Christians in Iraq and Iran that:

Questão 125:

The concluding paragraph supports the idea that:

Questão 126:

The word dreadful (first paragraph) may be substituted for:

Questão 127:

A nominal group that encloses the idea of the second paragraph is:

Questão 128:

The pronoun them (second paragraph) refers to:

Questão 129:

“…turn an understanding eye…” (third paragraph) is the same as:

Questão 130:

The pronoun who (third paragraph) refers to:

Páginas: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 [13] 14