Selecionamos as questões mais relevantes da prova de vestibular URCA 2016/1. Confira! * Obs.: a ordem e número das questões aqui não são iguais às da prova original.
After reading the text, it is right to say about the heat wave in Chicago in 1995:
More than one thousand people died because of the heat wave.
692 is the number of dead people in that year because of the heat wave.
28% refers to the 692 people who died.
Almost half of the patients who were sent to the emergency room died within a year.
3,300 people lost their body functions one year after being affected by the heat wave.
After reading the text, one can say that the difference between heat exhaustion and heat stroke is:
Heat exhaustion can cause death, while heat stroke causes just temporary loss of senses.
Heat exhaustion can be cured with water, while heat stroke needs medical care.
Heat stroke can be cured with sunblocks, while heat exhaustion demands medical care.
Heat exhaustion can cause loss of conscience, while heat stroke can cause stomachache.
The difference is that heat stroke refers to a fewer time of exposure to high temperatures.